Crafternauts Cancellation Policy
A ‘block’ payment is required at the time of booking to secure a place. Typically blocks comprise 5 – 8 weeks of classes dependent on term duration. Payment can be made online via our secure booking system. As long as there are places left, classes can be booked in advance of the class commencing. If the Crafternauts course has started and you would like to come along, please email nicola@crafternauts.co.uk to check if any places are available. Block payments will be pro-rated accordingly depending on how many classes remain in the Block.
Pre- School Classes
We would be very grateful if you could do your best to attend all classes on time. A certain amount of time is allocated to each session and therefore we will always start at the time advertised so as not to let others down.
Block or Class Cancellations by You
Unfortunately, all our block bookings are non-refundable. If circumstances change, something pops up and your child can no longer attend the block of classes please contact us (nicola@crafternauts.co.uk) with at least 14 days notice before the first class in the booked ‘block’.
We hope that you can see we try our very best to price our classes as fairly as possible. We therefore require a clear cancellation policy to ensure that we cover our cost of pre-ordered art and craft materials and the ongoing viability of our classes. Unfortunately we are unable to make exceptions to this policy.
We would encourage you to carefully check your diary to ensure your child/children is/are available to attend the block booking.
If you give more than 14 days’ notice to cancel a place the following options are available:
We will be happy to transfer your booking to another block, places permitting.
You will be entitled to a full refund.
If you give less than 14 days notice to cancel then your options are as follows:
Classes are non refundable but we may be able to transfer you to a future block of classes subject to availability.
Block or Class Cancellations by Us
In the unlikely event we have to cancel or postpone a class due to unavoidable circumstances, or if we are unable to meet the minimum number of participants needed to run the classes, we will endeavour to provide as much notice as possible. In these circumstances and alternative class will be provided on another day or a pro-rata refund offered. We cannot be held liable for any other costs or expenses that you may incur in the event of cancellation by us.